Win a plated gourmet chocolate-caramel apple – no purchase necessary!

Win a plated gourmet chocolate-caramel apple – no purchase necessary!

Be one of the first 40 to correctly answer all the questions below (that’s right, one of the first 40) by 5 p.m. this Friday and get a FREE caramel-chocolate dipped apple set upon on a beautifully hand-etched, heart-shaped glass plate from CHOCOLATE, a Galeria of Chocolate and Wine. No purchase necessary, just participation!


This apple is different than the bonus coupon offer this week because this one comes on a beautiful, heart-shaped, hand-etched glass plate. The plate alone is a gift in itself, you can use it later as a candy dish or a candle holder, and who can resist a chocolate-caramel dipped apple!

Again, winning is simple. Be one of the first 40 correctly answer the quiz questions (send answers to below and you win! Think you’ll win? Be sure to read the fine print below the quiz!

Hint: answers can be found in current and past e-newsletter issues, on the Sigona’s blog or on the Sigona’s Web site. Good luck!

  1. What variety of apple is under all that delicious handmade caramel and chocolate on the giveaway this week? GRANNY SMITH
  2. What apple variety was used to create Sigona’s Heirloom Apple Pie gelato made by Gelato Massimo? HEIRLOOM PIPPIN APPLE
  3. An apple a day keeps the ____ away?
    1. Electrician
    2. DOCTOR
    3. Dentist
    4. Phone bill
  4. What’s the name for New York City?

    1. Yankee World
    2. Taxi Town
    4. Trumpacoppolis
  5. Which is not a variety of apple sold at Sigona’s?

    1. Winesap
    2. Black Twig
    3. Mutsu
    4. JUNE LADY (this is a peach!)
  6. What was the name of Sigona’s fruit stand when it first opened in Morgan Hill in 1975?

    1. Apple Valley Acres
    2. Sigona’s Farmers Market
    4. Green Acres
  7. From our Local Vendor Spotlight features, name four local vendors and name the product(s) they sell at Sigona’s. LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE:
  8. From our Farm Focus features, name four farmers and name what produce they provide at Sigona’s. LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE:
  9. From our Chef’s Corner feature, name four chefs and their restaurants we’ve highlighted. LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE:
  10. What has been your favorite bonus coupon item thus far? ANYTHING YOU WANT! YOU CAN STILL TELL US WHAT YOUR FAVORITE WAS IN AN EMAIL TO SHARE@SIGONAS.COM

Winners will be notified via email. At the time of notification, winners will be asked whether they shop at Stanford or Redwood City. Their prize will be available at the store of their choice and must be picked up in person between Wednesday, February 10th and Wednesday, February 17th.

    1. Electrician
    2. Doctor
    3. Dentist
    4. Phone bill

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