Yosemite Fresh Watermelons

Red, sweet, juicy watermelons: that’s what the Van Groningen family take pride in producing. And the watermelons are oh so tasty!


A Dedicated California Family

Van Groningen & Sons, Inc. is a continuation of a farming business that was started here in California in 1922 by Henry Van Groningen Sr. He arrived in America in 1910 from the Netherlands. He first farmed in Minnesota then moved to Hanford in 1922. In 1929 the family moved to Ripon, California and, with the help of 4 sons, started another dairy and grew row crops.


The corporation is family owned and operated by sons, grandsons, in-laws, and also by workers that have been with the family for over 44 years. The farming operation now consists of growing sweet corn, watermelons, pumpkins, squash, alfalfa, almonds and walnuts. They have been growing watermelons for over 68 years.


Tastiest – With Research to Prove It!

The study was conducted during the 2006 watermelon harvest and was lead by a team of researchers from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.  The findings proved that Yosemite Fresh watermelons contain a higher sugar content than other brands, making them the sweetest tasting among competitors.


Nutritious too!

Watermelons are a Lycopene leader holding a higher level than any other fruit or vegetable. Lycopene has many health advantages including a powerful anti-oxidant, reduces your chances of cancer and helps protect you from developing Alzheimer’s disease. Watermelons have also been named “Heart Healthy” by the American Cancer Institute.


Watermelons also contain multiple Vitamins such as:

  • Vitamin A- Which is important for eye health.
  • Vitamin B6 – Which has been shown to produce chemicals in the brain that help cope with anxiety and panic.
  • Vitamin C- Which boosts the immune system.
  • Potassium – The mineral necessary for water balance that will lessen such things as muscle cramps.

And Kids Love Them!

Uncle Carmelo Sigona likes to cut them into small triangles, just perfect for little hands. Arrange them on a plate, put another beautiful piece of fruit in the center and you’ve got a snack that will fly off the plate!


Email us your favorite way to enjoy watermelons at Quincey@Sigonas.com and we’ll include it this summer in our Preferred Customer eNEWS.



Robbie Sigona

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4 Responses

  1. Gary says:

    Why are they called Yosemite fresh?

  2. Katherine says:


    This past week, I purchased some of your watermelons from Aldi. They were not very red or sweet; slightly sour. Surprisingly, one that I bought the last week of July was very very sweet and red. Is something happening with the crops or watering again this year? Thanks so much.

    • Hi, it does depend on the time of year they’re harvested and from where. We are sure to source ours from growers who we know are harvesting them when they’re ripe and ready vs. harvesting them for long distance shipping. That all makes a difference!

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