Tips for Healthy Living: Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

Tips for Healthy Living

We’ve partnered with Dr. Doug Husbands of Holistic Health Bay Area to bring you a new set of Tips for Healthy Living. Dr. Husbands is a functional medicine doctor, clinical nutritionist, anti-aging health practitioner and doctor of chiropractic. I appreciate that he encourages visiting the doctor to focus on staying healthy instead of only visiting when you’re sick. – Carmelo Sigona

Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

By Dr. Douglas Husbands

With October being “Breast Cancer Prevention Month,” here are 7 practical tips on breast cancer prevention:

  1. Eat more of the Brassica vegetables, which include broccoli, kale, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, and mustard greens.  They contain some powerful anti-cancer phytochemicals, such as  indole-3-carbinol, diindolylmethane, sulphoraphane glucosinolate, and glucarate.
  2. Eat more fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants.  Vegetables with high antioxidants are Brassica vegetables and tomatoes, and fruits with high antioxidants are oranges, apples, grapefruit, grapes and berries.
  3. Take these nutritional supplements:
    • Diindolylmethane (DIM) or Sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS).  If both are available to you, go with SGS.
    • Calcium-D-glucarate
    • Resveratrol
    • Fish oil or Krill oil
    • Multi-vitamin/mineral
    • Avoid any concentrated sugar, any foods with added sugar or any foods consisting of primarily sugar (such as candy), any artificial sweeteners or any foods containing artificial sweeteners.
  1. Decrease your sugar consumption.  Cancer cells use sugar to grow and divide.  Avoid any concentrated sugar, any foods with added sugar or any foods consisting of primarily sugar (such as candy), any artificial sweeteners or any foods containing artificial sweeteners.
  2. As much as possible eat cage-free chicken, cage-free chicken eggs, free-range and grass-fed beef,and wild fish (not farm raised).
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Manage stress and your emotions

Read the full article on Breast Cancer Prevention.

About Dr. Doug:
Dr. Douglas Husbands is a Functional Medicine Doctor, Clinical Nutritionist, Anti-Aging Health Practitioner, and Doctor of Chiropractic.  As a health advocate and coach, he is dedicated to achieving optimal health through resolving the underlying disease processes through diet, nutrition and lifestyle modification.   To contact Dr. Doug, call 650-394-7470 or visit

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