Robbie Sigona’s Produce Tips: Tomatoes

Robbie Sigona’s Produce Tips: Tomatoes

Baby Heirloom Tomatoes: 

  • Tomatoes should be ripe but firm.
  • Avoid shriveled as that is a sign of age.
  • Store at room temperature in a breathable basket not in the fridge. The cold will break the tomatoes down.

Robbie with org cherry tomatoes2_sept 9 2013_360Dry-Farmed Early Girls

  • Select dry-farmed Early Girls that are solid red in color and firm to the touch.
  • The calyx (or stem) should be fresh and not too dry.
  • Store at room temperature unless cut; then store them in the fridge.


Heirloom Tomatoes

  • Selecting heirloom tomatoes is different than other tomatoes. These beauties should have a slight give, even when soft (picked super-ripe) they’re sweet, juicy, full of flavor and never mushy. Some varieties have a natural green color (like the Green Zebra), others have a green color presence (Cherokee Purple) and are bursting with flavor.

    Sea of heirlooms

  • Keep in mind that heirlooms are not bred to be perfect. They’ll have cracks, scrapes and bruises, but they’re perfectly fine to eat.
  • Handle with care as these are very delicate tomatoes.
  • Place tomatoes in separate bags when shopping so they don’t knock up against each other and bruise.
  • Once you get them home, store them at room temperature.



  • Choose when they are red in color and with a slight give.
  • Since they are a back yard tomato they may have some blemishes that won’t change the wonderful flavor.
  • Place tomatoes in separate bags when shopping so they don’t knock up against each other and bruise.
  • Once you get them home, store them at room temperature.

Robbie Sigona is our produce buyer. He works with local farmers and scours the market for the very best in fresh fruits and vegetables – some of you won’t find anywhere else.

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