Dairy-Free Cream of Asparagus Soup
This soup, though dairy-free, is creamy and luscious, just as it would be if using heavy cream. It’s the potato that brings a creamy factor;...
This soup, though dairy-free, is creamy and luscious, just as it would be if using heavy cream. It’s the potato that brings a creamy factor;...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published August 15, 2022 · Last modified August 16, 2022
Gazpacho is a simple, chilled soup made with fresh ingredients. It’s a popular dish to make and serve in summer, not only because that’s when...
Local Fuyu Persimmon and Mixed Chicories Salad with Sigona’s Sicilian Lemon Vinaigrette Each thinly sliced bit of the sweet persimmon, paired with the slight tartness...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published November 18, 2011 · Last modified November 7, 2022
Recipe: Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup With Chantilly Cream & Candied Pecans Recipe & photos courtesy of our friend Luisa Ormonde of Luisa’s Catering in San...
Sigona’s Olive Oil of the Month: Frantoio/Leccino Blend from Chile This oil…wow. For starters, our featured blend this month boasts a 653 polyphenol count! It...
Recipe: Local Lacinato Kale, Winter Squash and Cannellini Soup The Frantoio Leccino olive oil blend from Chile goes well with this soup, adding another layer...
In the Kitchen with Sigonas featuring Melons For the rest of this summer, we’ll be spoiled for choice of some unbelievably sweet, juicy and refreshing...
Oh, Beans! Fresh-picked Cranberry, Yellow Wax, Blue Lake and Italian beans are all coming to us from local farmers – try them today! You know...
In the Kitchen with Sigona’s featuring fresh, local beans Fresh beans will convert almost anyone to a bean fan. If you’re used to only canned...
In the Kitchen with Sigona’s featuring Pastured Eggs Nutrition science tells us that darker colored foods, such as blueberries or kale, will have more nutrients....
We have cheeses from California to Switzerland and everywhere in between! Our award-winning cheese department is under the supervision of our long-time cheesemonger, Maria Sanchez. She can help you pick out the perfect cheese for snacking, charcuterie, a recipe or for a holiday treat. We carry a wide variety of brand name cheeses as well as a few we've made our own, such as Sigona's Dream of the Mountain, which is made in Switzerland, and Sigona's Moo-Na Lisa Reserve, which is made for us by Central Coast Creamery in California. Many of the cheeses you'll find here are award-winners themselves, such as Hornbacher, an incredible, handcrafted and aged cheese made by 4-time World Cheese Champion Michael Spycher. Our market in Palo Alto, located in the Stanford Shopping Center, has an extensive cheese department as well. Come visit us today! #redwoodcity #paloalto #favoritefromage #bestcheeseshop #cheese #fromage #cheeseshop #cheeseboard #charcuterie #switzerland #california #hornbacher #cowgirlcreamery @stepladderranchcreamery6016 #laurachenel #centralcoastcreamery #greengrocer #farmersmarket #specialtyfoods
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019