Robbie Sigona is our produce buyer. He works with local farmers and scours the market for the very best in fresh fruits and vegetables — some you won’t find anywhere else.
Locally-grown arugula from San Juan Bautista down to Salinas is available from April-November.
Fresh arugula should be all green. A light green is ok, but avoid yellow leaves.
Arugula is extremely delicate and should be used within a day or two of purchase.
Keep refrigerated (stored with a damp paper towel) until you eat.
If you rinse the arugula, be sure to remove as much moisture as possible before adding to a salad or tossing with a vinaigrette.
Locally grown pomegranates come into season in Northern California in the fall and hit their peak around early to mid November. Robbie Sigona, lead produce buyer and market director for Sigona's Farmers Market in Redwood City and Palo Alto, Calif., shares info about the Wonderful variety pomegranate and what to look for so you pick out the very best. Plus, he gives a few tips for how to open and deseed a pomegranate!
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