In the Kitchen with Sigona's: Mini Brie and Gala Apple Bake

In the Kitchen with Sigona’s: Mini Brie and Gala Apple Bake
Courtesy of Melissa Liton, a one-time Bay Area resident and self-described foodie. She lives in Seattle now, but remembers Sigona’s fondly, telling us how much she loved to shop here when she worked in San Carlos. The Rouge et Noir Triple Creme Brie disks are perfect for these mini bakes!
- 1 disk of Rouge et Noir Triple Crème Brie (no need to remove the rind)
- 1 sheet puff pastry
- 1/4 – 1/2 Gala apple peeled, cored and diced
- 2 tsp. butter
- 2 tsp. brown sugar
- 1/8 tsp. cinnamon
- 1 egg, lightly beaten
Directions: Bring one sheet of puff pastry to room temperature and place on a foil lined cookie sheet (be careful not to leave it out too long, as the butter in the pastry will melt and won’t puff when baked). Slice the brie horizontally so there are two halves and place the bottom half on the puff pastry sheet. In a sauté pan, melt the butter and add apples; sauté for about 4 minutes and then add the brown sugar and cinnamon. Stir the mixture until the sugar has dissolved.
Pour the apple mixture on top of the bottom half of the brie and then place top half of brie on top of apple mixture.
Take the corners of the puff pastry and wrap them up over the brie (you may need to trim off extra so it closes neatly over the wedge).
Brush the lightly beaten egg over the puff pastry to give it a golden shine. This will also help hold the four corners of pastry together.
Bake in 350° oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with crackers or apple slices.
Cook’s notes: you can make this recipe with just about any type of fruit, but we chose Galas as they’re on sale now. This also works well with a large Brie round. Just increase your ingredients accordingly. We chose the disk as you it’s on sale now for $3.99, reg. $10.99 ea.