Tips for Healthy Living from Lite for Life: Put "treats" in their proper place
Tips for Healthy Living: Put “treats” in their proper place
Sigona’s has partnered with Lite for Life, a local weight loss company, to share tips with you about taking a natural and healthy approach to eating and weight management that will help you achieve and maintain control for life. — Carmelo Sigona
Lite for Life Tip #7
Put “treats” in their proper place
A treat…that special, once-in-a-while indulgence. Yes, we all deserve a little something extra on occasion – but when treats become an everyday thing, they lose their “specialness” and can add considerable calories to your daily plate, easily resulting in an extra pound or two a month. Use good discipline to keep your treats treasured, and follow the Sesame Street principles of “sometimes foods” (i.e. treats) vs. “anytime foods” (healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, etc.)
Also, there are so many wonderful fruits in season now that with a little “make over” really can take the place of your treat. For example, flavorful local berries blended with a little organic Agave and layered on top of Fage Greek yogurt is wonderful.