Why it’s Tough to Lose Weight

Tips for Healthy Living

We’ve partnered with Dr. Doug Husbands of Holistic Health Bay Area to bring you a new set of Tips for Healthy Living. Dr. Husbands is a functional medicine doctor, clinical nutritionist, anti-aging health practitioner and doctor of chiropractic. I appreciate that he encourages visiting the doctor to focus on staying healthy instead of only visiting when you’re sick.– Carmelo Sigona

Why it’s Tough to Lose Weight

Highlighted below are the secret hindrances to effective weight loss.

By Dr. Douglas Husbands

Why is losing weight, more specifically losing fat, so hard?  There are many people who exercise regularly and eat healthfully, but they still have a harder time losing fat than trying to hit Tim Lincecum’s fastball!

If this describes you, then read on to discover four possible hindrances to effective fat loss you may have.  At the end of the article, I’ll give the answers for discovering what to do to resolve these hindrances.

  1.  Poor Detoxification.  In the December 28th “Tips for Healthy Living” column, I discussed why detoxification is so important and how good detoxification can be so beneficial to you.
  2.  Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation.  Say a burner is left on overnight on your stove.  If just one small piece of flammable material comes in contact with the burner, a raging fire could start, destroying your home.  Low grade systemic inflammation is a like the burner constantly left on… it’s a disastrous fire waiting to happen.  Systemic inflammation is the underlying process in the development of heart disease, high cholesterol and clogged arteries, Alzheimer’s dementia,  multiple joint and muscle aches and pains, diabetes, high blood pressure, and virtually any chronic disease.  Not only does systemic inflammation make it more difficult to lose fat, but systemic inflammation promotes your body holding onto fat.  So it creates a vicious cycle.
  3. Hormonal Imbalances.  Thyroid imbalances are more common, in women in particular, than is often realized or detected.  I’ve discussed why this is in my article on “Hypothyroidism Diagnosis”.  Thyroid problems are only one of the hormonal imbalances that can be a hindrance to losing fat.
  4. Hidden Deep-Seated Infections.  This is an often missed component in those with extreme difficulty losing weight.

So what can you do to resolve these hindrances? To do justice to the explanation of what to do, I’ve put together a twenty-one part brief video series titled “Secrets to Long-Term Weight Loss in 21 days”.   That is available on my Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/HolisticHealthBayArea.  “Like” my page on Facebook to freely access those brief videos.  Oh, and by the way…in doing so you become eligible to win some valuable prizes each month.  For instance one of the prizes is a new, completely free, Vitamix 5200 blender sent directly to you!

About Dr. Doug:
Dr. Douglas Husbands is a Functional Medicine Doctor, Clinical Nutritionist, Anti-Aging Health Practitioner, and Doctor of Chiropractic. As a health advocate and coach, he is dedicated to achieving optimal health through resolving the underlying disease processes through diet, nutrition and lifestyle modification. To contact Dr. Doug, call 650-394-7470 or visit http://www.HolisticHealthBayArea.com

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