A recipe for better health? That's Nuts!
A recipe for better health? That’s Nuts! By John Sigona From pine nuts in pesto, to walnuts in wontons, nuts are folded into some of...
A recipe for better health? That’s Nuts! By John Sigona From pine nuts in pesto, to walnuts in wontons, nuts are folded into some of...
Farm Focus / Feature Articles / Produce Tips
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published November 17, 2009
The Great ‘Ap-peel’ of Satsuma Mandarins By Robbie Sigona They are my sons’ favorite, my favorite, Uncle Carmelo’s favorite…they’re everyone’s favorite! I’m talking about the...
Local vendor spotlight: D’ Sweets…Custard Tarts and Other Treats Dawn Reid’s gift to you…using a recipe from her grandmother, D’ Sweets brings you crustless custard...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Cook E. Jar & Baking Co. Amazingly irresistible cookies made in Redwood City by Lois Cobb’s family-run business It might seem like...
Local Vendor Spotlight II: Angel Heart Cakes Two local ladies started Angel Heart Cakes with one goal in mind: redefine the traditional American angel food...
Feature Articles / Local Vendors
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published October 20, 2009 · Last modified April 27, 2023
Local Vendor Spotlight I: Vicolo Pizza Once the star of a restaurant in San Francisco, Vicolo Corn Meal Crust Pizza is available at Sigona’s! Longtime...
Another Fantastic Marriage: Heirloom Apples and Creamy Gelato Heirloom apples are a treasure – their taste just can’t be matched by today’s varieties. We’re a...
Local Vendor Spotlight: John Simi’s Saporito Fine Pasta Co. Plan on getting pasta during your next dinner date at a local restaurant? There is a...
Tips for Healthy Living: Pillar 5 I’m a bit of a health nut…it’s probably obvious by now! In addition to to eating healthily, I try...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Pura Vida! Gourmet “It’s flavor with a kick!” Traditional Mexican salsas and tortilla chips from Ana Maria Valenzuela (Pictured: Sigona’s local vendors)...
We know spring is on the horizon when some of our favorite, locally grown produce items start to arrive at our markets! Organic Albion strawberries from Watsonville, just-picked asparagus from Salinas and Stockton, and heirloom artichokes from Pezzini Farms in Castroville are available now in our markets. Robbie Sigona, director and lead produce buyer of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares more info in this video about what makes these produce items special, and why they're the freshest and best tasting when you get them from Sigona's! Visit our markets in Palo Alto and Redwood City, California! #redwoodcity #paloalto #sfbayarea #sfpeninsula #locallygrown #heirloom #heirloomartichokes #strawberries #asparagus #stockton #salinas #watsonville #castroville #organic
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019