Simple, Healthy, Delicious: White Corn
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: White Corn No summer dinner party or BBQ is complete without corn on the cob. There are other ways to prepare this...
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: White Corn No summer dinner party or BBQ is complete without corn on the cob. There are other ways to prepare this...
In the Kitchen with Sigona’s: It’s cherry season! Cherries are delicious eaten on their own, but they add new level of flavor to savory dishes...
So you have a half flat of strawberries…now what? We’re so excited about the coupon this week (June 2-8) and bet you are, too! With...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Raw Decadence Piccolinos!, the small raw cookies from Raw Decadence, fuel your body and satisfy as a treat that won’t leave you...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Our Daily Grain Wendy Miller’s organic California Porridge is made with 100 percent whole grain, making it one of the best things...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Heba creates another fantastic offering for Happiness Within Heba, creator of Happiness Within desserts, now offers petite orange cakes made with fresh,...
Say hello to Radicchio Rosa! This gorgeous, pink-colored chicory has just arrived at our market from J. Marchini Farms in La Grand, CA. It’s up on display next to its chicory cousins, Castelfranco and Treviso. These have a unique flavor that’s delicately bitter, adding great texture and deliciousness to salads or braises. Check out J. Marchini Farms' website for a few serving suggestions, then come to Sigona’s to pick up these chicories! #radicchiorosa #treviso #castelfranco #chicory #chicories #salad #saladgreens #eatyourgreens #eatyogreens #eatinggreensisaspecialtreat #supportlocal #shopsmall #eatlocal #eatseasonal #locallyowned #bayareafood #finefoods #local #farmersmarket #specialtyfoods #specialtyproduce
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019