Local, Gourmet Chocolate Just For You

Local, Gourmet Chocolate Just For You

Get three bars of Holy Chocolate for free this week with your coupon and a $30+ purchase.

Father Stan is the forumlator of Holy Chocolate drinking chocolate and single-origin bars.

Local vendor Father Stan Smith is an entrepreneur, an ordained Eastern-Syrian Orthodox priest in the Church of The East, a former QA beta program manager, a former developer for the standard paperwork management software for rocket scientists with the Department of Defense…the list goes on and on.

Of all his titles and hats the Rev. Fr. Stan Smith, Chorepiscopa, wears, we’re most excited to tell you about his chocolatiering hat; Father Stan is the formulator of Holy Chocolate and we’re giving it away for free this week with your coupon and a $30+ purchase.

We also like the idea of offering Holy Chocolate to kick off to the season of Lent; today is Ash Wednesday, after all, so we just hope you didn’t offer to give up chocolate this year…if that’s the case, you can gift the chocolate to a friend.

The outta-this-world chocolaty goodness that is the Holy Chocolate single-origin chocolate ingots, or chocolate bars, got their start about two years ago. Father Stan also makes a fantastic drinking hot chocolate (which we of course sell), so the idea for bars came about naturally. The last thing he wanted was to produce a so-so chocolate bar after his drinking chocolate was such a hit, so he spent quite a bit of time developing the recipe to create individual bars worthy barring the Holy Chocolate name.

Not to worry, Father Stan. Your chocolate bars are most definitely not so-so! Plus, ladies, correct me if I’m wrong, but how can you go wrong with a gourmet, single-origin bar that has only 125 calories in one large, satisfying portion?

Each Holy Chocolate variety we carry has its own characteristics because the cacao used is sourced from a single region. Growing regions and farming practices greatly influence the cacao bean’s flavor – not unlike the differences in flavor of coffee beans or wine grapes grown in different regions; they’re terrior-specific, if you will, a term commonly used in the wine industry.

The flavors of the cacao beans from various growing regions are so interesting and individual, “just how God made them,” that Father Stan names the bars simply after the region in which the bean was grown.

More about Holy Chocolate and single-origin products from Father Stan.

We carry six different single-origin bars (note: higher the percentage, the darker the chocolate): Hawaiian (38%), Columbia (65%), Ecuador (65%), Madagascar (65%), Venezuela (65%) and Midnight (91%). Come in today with your coupon to get yours for free!

Father Stan has six chocolate bars to choose from, and no two taste alike: Hawaiian 38% (milk chocolate), Columbia 65% (dark chocolate), Ecuador 65% (dark chocolate), Madagascar 65% (dark chocolate), Venezuela 65% (dark chocolate) and Midnight 91%, a dark, bittersweet artisan blend chocolate.

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