In the Kitchen with Sigona’s: World Famous Wicked Easy French Toast

In the Kitchen with Sigona’s: World Famous Wicked Easy French Toast

Recipe courtesy of Diane Rezendes

Diane’s notes: this is my niece and nephews’ favorite sleepover breakfast (they declared it to be ‘world famous’). Michael, who wants to become a chef, helped me cook it last time and said, ‘Wow, Auntie Di, this is wicked easy!’

It’s great for Thanksgiving weekend brunch for a crowd.  You can actually eat with your family instead of standing by the stove all morning!”


  • 6-8 thick slices day-old* cinnamon bread (or other bread)
  • 6-8 eggs, to your preference (more eggs will create a more custardlike texture)
  • ¾ cup milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • a dash of salt
  • butter for your baking dish

Prep the night before serving:

Whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla, and salt.  Pour into a shallow casserole dish, then place the bread slices into the dish.  Turn them over so the egg side is up.  There should be extra liquid in the bottom of the dish; it will be absorbed by morning.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.

In a hurry?

You could shorten the soaking time to 2 hours if you wish.

*Day-old or slightly stale bread is drier and will absorb more of the egg mixture.  If your bread is fresh, you may put it in a low oven (pilot light is fine; 150 will work too) for awhile to dry it out.


Preheat oven to 325.  Take a second baking dish and butter it well (otherwise the bread will stick).  Using a spatula, transfer each slice from the soaking dish.  Bake about 20-30 minutes.  Test for doneness:  a knife inserted will come out clean.  Serve at once.


Top with butter and real maple syrup – add some Niman Ranch bacon or ham on the side, and set out a bowl of satsumas, berries, or other fruit in season.  Michael likes his with peanut butter and maple syrup.

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