Lox & Caper Topped Avocado Toast with Lemon-Dill Crème Fraîche
Salmon lox and cream cheese is a classic bagel topper, but if you want to take a healthier approach, leave off the cream cheese and...
Salmon lox and cream cheese is a classic bagel topper, but if you want to take a healthier approach, leave off the cream cheese and...
Wild Chanterelles with Red Wine & Thyme This simple and delicious way to enjoy Chanterelles allows for them to be used over a steak or...
No Place Like Sweet Home Sweet Home Ranch in Dinuba, Calif., provides us with certified California Clean stone fruits that burst with sweet, tree-ripened flavors...
Leftover Cranberry Sauce? Do you have leftover cranberry sauce? Then make yourself one of these delightful treats! Puff Pastry Wrapped Baked Brie with Cranberry Sauce How...
Eating Greens is a Special Treat By Carmelo Sigona “Eating greens is a special treat” may seem more appropriate for Bambi’s buddy Thumper the rabbit...
Avocados ripen best off the tree and are generally delivered not-quite-ripe to farmers markets and stores. Sigona’s always has ripe avocados available for our...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published October 31, 2017 · Last modified October 30, 2017
One of my favorite fall treats is the pear. We’ve been buying pears from Meyer orchards for many years. They are a 3rd generation family well-...
Getting corn from local farmers is great because it’s fresh. The sugars in corn start to convert to starch as soon as it’s picked, so...
Choose Lacinato kale that is refrigerated or are kept fresh in open displays. Once picked, the natural gasses come out and the vitamins and nutrients...
Pomegranates: The Fruit of Legend and Lore By Robbie Sigona Pomegranates are another fruit that come into season as fall settles in around the Bay...
We have many mushrooms at Sigona's - both fresh and dried. The Maitake, also known as Hen-of-the-Woods, is a deliciously nutritious mushroom with a slightly earthy, almost woody flavor. They're loaded with vitamin D and make a nice addition to anything from soup to quesadillas. They're also an excellent meat substitute, if you're in the mood for a meat-free or vegetarian-based meal. We love how John Sigona used them to zhuzh up a pizza for a get together he held over the weekend where we watched "Handsome Stranger," an indie movie made a few years back by our own John Nava! Organic Maitake mushrooms are on sale this week (Feb. 21, 2025) at $4 off a pound (sale price available for a limited time). Now's your chance to come try them! Visit us in Redwood City and Palo Alto, Calif.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019