Robbie Sigona’s Produce Tips: Local Lacinato Kale
Choose Lacinato kale that is refrigerated or are kept fresh in open displays. Once picked, the natural gasses come out and the vitamins and nutrients begin to break down, so keeping them cool and crisp is essential.
- When selecting greens, look for bunches with dark green leaves. Older ones will have yellow leaves.
- Select firm, healthy looking bunches. Older greens may be limp.
- The stem end should have a fresh cut and not be dry.
- Fresh kale will hold up to a week or so if properly stored. To store, wash and place bunch in sealed plastic bag after purchase.
- Best to use soon after purchase. Bitterness develops with age.
Robbie Sigona is our produce buyer. He works with local farmers and scours the market for the very best in fresh fruits and vegetables – some you won’t find anywhere else.