Creamy Avocado & Lemon Pasta with Garlic and Basil
All the comforts of a creamy pasta dish with fewer calories and better-for-you fats! This is a delicious pasta dish that relies on blended avocados...
All the comforts of a creamy pasta dish with fewer calories and better-for-you fats! This is a delicious pasta dish that relies on blended avocados...
Salmon lox and cream cheese is a classic bagel topper, but if you want to take a healthier approach, leave off the cream cheese and...
It may seem basic, but it remains best. Creamy avocado, fresh mozzarella, bright tomatoes and herbaceous basil drizzled with a sticky-sweet balsamic reduction. Heaven on...
Simply perfect for breakfast or dinner. Roasting chiles can sound intimidating, but it doesn’t take much time or effort (or you can easily use a...
Packed with good-for-you grains, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats, this dish is sure to satisfy. Finishing with a little Sigona’s Blood Orange Olive Oil gives...
Simple, healthy and delicious! This is lovely as a side to white meats or as a brunch feature. You’ll likely have vinaigrette remaining, so save...
Filled with avocado, quinoa and shrimp, these protein-packed rolls are healthy and filling. Don’t be intimidated by rice paper if you haven’t tried it before....
Champagne is a must for celebrations, including Valentine’s Day! We have two serving suggestions for making the most of the bubbly, whether you’re a dining...
Dessert / Sigona's Olive Oil & Balsamics
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published February 7, 2023 · Last modified October 11, 2023
These fragrant tea cookies are delicious and loved by grownups and children alike!
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published February 3, 2023 · Last modified February 7, 2023
With this recipe, you’ll get the same spicy-cool flavors you would from a traditional Buffalo and blue cheese dip, just without the added calories from...
We have many mushrooms at Sigona's - both fresh and dried. The Maitake, also known as Hen-of-the-Woods, is a deliciously nutritious mushroom with a slightly earthy, almost woody flavor. They're loaded with vitamin D and make a nice addition to anything from soup to quesadillas. They're also an excellent meat substitute, if you're in the mood for a meat-free or vegetarian-based meal. We love how John Sigona used them to zhuzh up a pizza for a get together he held over the weekend where we watched "Handsome Stranger," an indie movie made a few years back by our own John Nava! Organic Maitake mushrooms are on sale this week (Feb. 21, 2025) at $4 off a pound (sale price available for a limited time). Now's your chance to come try them! Visit us in Redwood City and Palo Alto, Calif.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019