In the Kitchen with Sigona’s Featuring: Gnocchi
Fresh Dungeness Crab & Pan-Seared Gnocchi in a Lemony Basil & Garlic Sauce This is a fresh-tasting comfort dish combining the luxury of fresh crab...
Fresh Dungeness Crab & Pan-Seared Gnocchi in a Lemony Basil & Garlic Sauce This is a fresh-tasting comfort dish combining the luxury of fresh crab...
Carmelo’s Simple, Easy Vinaigrette This one is so simple, basic and easy I couldn’t help but call it just that: a simple, easy vinaigrette. I...
Panettone Bread Pudding Panettone, traditional Italian holiday bread, is the base for this recipe. This version of bread pudding manages to be festive and comforting...
Polenta Pizza with Fromager d’Affinois and Fresh Greens This is a dish I’ll indulge in, especially with friends and family. Serves 4-5. Ingredients: 1 cup...
Wild mushrooms are a treat for your taste buds! We carry mushrooms year-round, but when we get in local, wild mushrooms, such as Matsutake, Porcini...
With the arrival of autumn and winter just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to enjoy delicious stuffed and roasted squash Kale & Parmigiano-Reggiano...
Kale and quinoa and pumpkins, oh my! These incredibly simple and easy recipes are absolutely packed with flavor, as well as the health benefits the...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published October 3, 2012 · Last modified October 16, 2012
Quinoa, local salmon and kale are just a few of my favorite foods. That’s why I’m giving you quick and healthy recipes that you can...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published September 18, 2012 · Last modified September 19, 2012
Wild Arugula Salad with Shredded Chicken and Local Honeycrisp Apples A wonderfully light, healthy lunch packed with multi-layered flavors of sweet and tart over a...
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published September 4, 2012 · Last modified September 5, 2012
Braised Chicken with Fennel and Apples Don’t let the long-ish list of ingredients scare you away from this during the work week. Once everything is...
Are you a fan of cherimoya? How would you describe the flavor of this tropical fruit? Some say it tastes like a banana & a pineapple with a custard-like texture. One thing we can say for sure is it's one of our favorite, unique, tropical treats! These are grown in Carpinteria, California, near Santa Barbara. In this video, Robbie Sigona, director of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares tips for selecting, storing and eating cherimoya. Make sure you watch out for the seeds (they're not hard to miss, but they're inedible). Let us know if you use cherimoya in recipes or if you prefer eating them simply with a spoon. Visit us in Redwood City or in Palo Alto at the Stanford Shopping Center, in California.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019