Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Beets
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Beets Beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable and add a deliciously sweet and earthy flavor to many dishes. Roasting...
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Beets Beets have the highest sugar content of any vegetable and add a deliciously sweet and earthy flavor to many dishes. Roasting...
Persimmons are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and rich in fiber. Also, they’re almost fat free! Here are a few delicious suggestions...
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Pomegranates! The arils (or seeds) of pomegranates are incredibly versatile – they add a sweet-tart juicy burst to salads, dips and even...
In the kitchen with Sigona’s: Better-Than-Ballpark Italian-Style Sausage & Peppers Sausages are fantastic for easy-to-eat hearty fare. They can be baked, roasted, or grilled ahead...
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Pumpkins They’re not just for decoration! Pumpkins make delicious soups, breads, curries and more. Here are a few ideas to get you...
In the Kitchen with Sigona’s: Chaumes Party Time Appetizer This recipe, developed by Sigona’s Alvaro Pacheco, is a fantastic way to use the last of...
Robbie Sigona’s Produce Tips: Wild Chanterelle Mushrooms Chanterelle mushrooms are the most popular and best selling wild mushroom we carry, and at $8.95/lb. (Reg. $19.99/lb.),...
Recipe: Summer Heirloom Tomato Bruschetta Recipe by Sigona’s shopper Luisa Ormonde of Luisa’s Catering. Luisa says: Even my boyfriend who says he hates raw tomatoes...
Butternut Squash Soup We asked our Facebook fans to share recipes for their favorite fall soup or stew. Sarah, one of our loyal customers, sent...
Simple, Healthy, Delicious: Tomatoes Tomatoes are a welcome addition to many dishes, whether canned, fresh, diced, sliced, dried or roasted. The recipes below keep the...
Are you a fan of cherimoya? How would you describe the flavor of this tropical fruit? Some say it tastes like a banana & a pineapple with a custard-like texture. One thing we can say for sure is it's one of our favorite, unique, tropical treats! These are grown in Carpinteria, California, near Santa Barbara. In this video, Robbie Sigona, director of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares tips for selecting, storing and eating cherimoya. Make sure you watch out for the seeds (they're not hard to miss, but they're inedible). Let us know if you use cherimoya in recipes or if you prefer eating them simply with a spoon. Visit us in Redwood City or in Palo Alto at the Stanford Shopping Center, in California.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019