In the Kitchen: Classic Fall Recipes
Grilled Pear & Blue Cheese Crostini with Bacon and Sigona’s Cranberry-Pear Vinaigrette Cranberry and pear are two great flavors of fall, and both pair beautifully...
Grilled Pear & Blue Cheese Crostini with Bacon and Sigona’s Cranberry-Pear Vinaigrette Cranberry and pear are two great flavors of fall, and both pair beautifully...
Simple, healthy, delicious. It doesn’t get much easier or comforting than roasted potatoes, and fingerlings are the best: rich and creamy. Serves about 6. Ingredients:...
I love how the mixed medley of mini tomatoes makes for a beautifully colored, flavorful dish. All the tomatoes bring their own unique flavor to...
Portobello Mushroom and Fresh Basil Pesto Pizza on Vicolo Corn Meal Crust It’s the Vicolo corn meal crust (find it at our stores) that really...
Fresh basil and our just-pressed Leccino olive oil make for an absolutely fantastic pesto. I love how pesto comes together in the blink of an...
Don’t be intimidated by cooking mushrooms — all you need is a little patience and a nice, large sauté pan or skillet. Serve this as...
Chicken Salad with Natural Thompson Grapes, Crisp Apple and Roasted Cashews on a Bed of Butter Lettuce This salad also makes for a nice sandwich,...
This dish comes together in no time, especially when you use our locally made Saporito pasta. It’s a fantastic way to use the local, organic...
Local, Sweet Strawberries over Gelato Drizzled with a Balsamic Reduction A good balsamic is already sweet due to the aging process, and our infused balsamics,...
Melon & Prosciutto Skewered Hors d’oeuvres Melon and prosciutto is a classic Italian pairing. I love the salty-sweet combination, especially when drizzled with our reduced...
Are you a fan of cherimoya? How would you describe the flavor of this tropical fruit? Some say it tastes like a banana & a pineapple with a custard-like texture. One thing we can say for sure is it's one of our favorite, unique, tropical treats! These are grown in Carpinteria, California, near Santa Barbara. In this video, Robbie Sigona, director of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares tips for selecting, storing and eating cherimoya. Make sure you watch out for the seeds (they're not hard to miss, but they're inedible). Let us know if you use cherimoya in recipes or if you prefer eating them simply with a spoon. Visit us in Redwood City or in Palo Alto at the Stanford Shopping Center, in California.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019