Finger Lickin’ Good Chicken Recipes
Honey BBQ Chicken Wings or Drumsticks If you’re looking for the finger-lickin’-good wings or drumsticks, this is the recipe to use! It’s flavorful and easy,...
Honey BBQ Chicken Wings or Drumsticks If you’re looking for the finger-lickin’-good wings or drumsticks, this is the recipe to use! It’s flavorful and easy,...
Spring Risotto with Asparagus, Peas and Chives Risotto is a dish that lends itself nicely to any season. Whether loaded with fresh green vegetables in...
White Chicken Pizza with Fresh Herbs This flavorful pizza is spread with a great white sauce and a little Sigona’s Basil Oil; every bite is...
Gobi Sabji (Cauliflower) Though simple, this dish presents many layers of flavor. It’s a perfect side dish that comes together in a snap, thanks to...
Roasted vegetables are one of the simplest side dishes that complete many a main course. We love the naturally sweet flavor that shines through when...
Finger foods, chips, dips, chili…we all have our favorite football foods. If you want to mix it up or need some inspiration, check out these...
Fresh-Baked Pita Chips & Hummus You can make your own pita chips in about 15 minutes, did you know? It’s true! The outside is crisp...
Greek-Stuffed Portobello Pizza I love a good Greek salad full of fresh vegetables and topped with a fantastic balsamic vinaigrette, so we came up with...
This time of year brings us many delicious delights, such as local, juicy citrus and flavor-packed wild and local arugula. Take advantage of the season’s...
A great way to end your year and begin a new one is to eat locally and organically. Below we have some of our holiday...
Micro cilantro, micro kale, micro broccoli...microgreens are the small (micro, if you will) version of the bigger vegetable after which they're named. They're the tiny sprouts of what will eventually turn into a full head of broccoli, for example. Microgreens are packed with nutrients and flavor, so they're perfect for salads, wraps, as a topping for avocado toast or for adding that final fancy flourish to any dish. We have a full line of locally grown, organic microgreens from Freedom, CA, available at both our markets. Check out our recipe for Radish Topped Toasts with French Butter and Microgreens at and visit us in Redwood City or Palo Alto, CA!
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019