Warm Asparagus Salad with Burst Grape Tomatoes and Pancetta
The pancetta in this dish, combined with the fresh tomatoes and basil, makes for an absolutely delicious side, especially when served with a nice grilled...
The pancetta in this dish, combined with the fresh tomatoes and basil, makes for an absolutely delicious side, especially when served with a nice grilled...
Curries are packed with flavor and good-for-you ingredients. You’ll love the fresh spring flavor of this dish, especially when local asparagus is in season, which...
Skewer these up for a light appetizer and serve with a white wine. They grill up in just minutes.
This is a delightful, light and flavorful pizza for a spring brunch or girls’ night. It comes together in no time at all. Using Vicolo...
This soup, though dairy-free, is creamy and luscious, just as it would be if using heavy cream. It’s the potato that brings a creamy factor;...
Recipe courtesy of Luisa Ormonde of Luisa’s Catering on the San Francisco Peninsula.
If you get any foodie magazines or spend any time on Pinterest, you’ve likely seen many an egg baked in an avocado. Well, we decided...
All the comforts of a creamy pasta dish with fewer calories and better-for-you fats! This is a delicious pasta dish that relies on blended avocados...
Salmon lox and cream cheese is a classic bagel topper, but if you want to take a healthier approach, leave off the cream cheese and...
It may seem basic, but it remains best. Creamy avocado, fresh mozzarella, bright tomatoes and herbaceous basil drizzled with a sticky-sweet balsamic reduction. Heaven on...
Why settle for tiny, dry raisins when you can have luscious, plump, deluxe, jumbo Golden Raisins, grown in Madera, CA? We have them on sale now here at Sigona's and they're perfect for baking, snacking and incorporating into other dishes. You have to try our Pan-Seared Rosemary Pork Chops with Savory Apple Chutney, which calls for raisins. It's so good! Find the recipe on our blog: https://blog.sigonas.com/2022/09/02/pan-seared-rosemary-pork-chops-with-a-savory-apple-chutney/ John Sigona, Jr. has been buying dried fruits & nuts for Sigona's Farmers Markets for nearly 45 years. He seeks out the absolute best and local sources to ensure quality and support nearby farmers. Visit Sigona's Farmers Market in Redwood City and Palo Alto, CA. Sale valid in-store only for a limited time. Hurry in!
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019