Persian Cucumbers, Mint and Yogurt Recipes
Quinoa-Zucchini Cakes with a Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce These cakes are fantastic warm or cold and are made even more delicious when enjoyed with a dollop or...
Quinoa-Zucchini Cakes with a Cucumber-Yogurt Sauce These cakes are fantastic warm or cold and are made even more delicious when enjoyed with a dollop or...
Melon, Prosciutto and Arugula Salad with Sigona’s Summertime Peach White Balsamic Here is a great summer salad that I make all the time. It pairs...
Grilled Corn, Chicken & Black Bean Salad on a Bed of Leafy Greens Definitely a salad for summer! Grilling the chicken is a great way...
Fresh, Local Peach or Nectarine & Quinoa Salad with a Honey-Ginger Vinaigrette The freshness of using peaches or nectarines mixed with Sigona’s Honey-Ginger Balsamic gives this salad...
Apricot, Watercress & Fennel Mini Tartines A tartine is considered to be an open-faced sandwich with a rich, fancy spread. Blenheim apricots are lush, rich...
Zucchini Cakes with Sigona’s Marinara The crispy outside of these cakes makes them perfect for dipping. You can make them more bite-size if you wish,...
Enjoying Fresh-Picked Cherries: Fresh Cherry, Nectarine and Lime Salsa This is lovely over grilled fish or pork loin, or even stirred into cooked quinoa. You...
Grilled Eggplant with Sigona’s Marinara and Parmigiano-Reggiano This is a common dish I have often, I just love it! The light grill on the eggplant...
Drinks / Recipes / Sigona's Olive Oil & Balsamics
by Sigona's Farmers Market · Published May 29, 2014 · Last modified July 2, 2024
You can use just about any of our infused balsamics to make a delightful, refreshing , zingy balsamic spritzer; just follow our suggested measurements below...
Are you a fan of cherimoya? How would you describe the flavor of this tropical fruit? Some say it tastes like a banana & a pineapple with a custard-like texture. One thing we can say for sure is it's one of our favorite, unique, tropical treats! These are grown in Carpinteria, California, near Santa Barbara. In this video, Robbie Sigona, director of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares tips for selecting, storing and eating cherimoya. Make sure you watch out for the seeds (they're not hard to miss, but they're inedible). Let us know if you use cherimoya in recipes or if you prefer eating them simply with a spoon. Visit us in Redwood City or in Palo Alto at the Stanford Shopping Center, in California.
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019