Fuyu Recipes: Simple, Healthy, Delicious.
Persimmons are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and are rich in fiber. Also, they’re almost fat free! Here are a few delicious...
Persimmons are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and are rich in fiber. Also, they’re almost fat free! Here are a few delicious...
Local Vendor Spotlight: Cook E. Jar & Baking Co. Amazingly irresistible cookies made in Redwood City by Lois Cobb’s family-run business It might seem like...
Tips for Healthy Living: Pillar 9 Eat to Live a Long and Healthy Life No one should embark on a weight-loss program by trying to...
Champs Elysees Double Creme French Brie with Olallieberry Jam This is a simple and easy way to enjoy Brie without the hassle of baking. All...
Roasted Root Vegetables I first had roasted roots about 20 years ago at The Rio Grill in Carmel – Wow! Delicious, healthy and easy to...
Robbie Sigona’s Produce Tips For… PEARS! They’re just fantastic this time of year! Choose a pear that is bright and fresh looking with no bruises...
Sigona’s Pumpkin Carving Contest Have some wicked carving skills? Take a picture of your creation and email it to share@sigonas.com. Be sure to include your...
Local Vendor Spotlight II: Angel Heart Cakes Two local ladies started Angel Heart Cakes with one goal in mind: redefine the traditional American angel food...
“Pear”fectly delightful salad with walnuts & fennel It’s pear season! The pears we carry now are coming in from California, Washington and Oregon. The Comice...
Warm Pear & Sage Crostini with Blue Cheese While we’re used to seeing poached pears, canned pears or pears in a salad, we wanted to...
We know spring is on the horizon when some of our favorite, locally grown produce items start to arrive at our markets! Organic Albion strawberries from Watsonville, just-picked asparagus from Salinas and Stockton, and heirloom artichokes from Pezzini Farms in Castroville are available now in our markets. Robbie Sigona, director and lead produce buyer of Sigona's Farmers Market, shares more info in this video about what makes these produce items special, and why they're the freshest and best tasting when you get them from Sigona's! Visit our markets in Palo Alto and Redwood City, California! #redwoodcity #paloalto #sfbayarea #sfpeninsula #locallygrown #heirloom #heirloomartichokes #strawberries #asparagus #stockton #salinas #watsonville #castroville #organic
20 Feb, 2024
7 Jan, 2022
Nothing’s better than juicing celery
27 Jan, 2019